Voluntary Socialism

A SKETCH (1896)

by Francis Dashwood Tandy (1867-1913)

A Few Books For Subsequent Reading.

VS-Appx.1 In the lists of books here given, I have endeavored to select some of the best and most elementary works upon each subject. I have confined myself to works in the English language. With the exception of “Social Statics,” I have omitted all books which are out of print. It is hardly necessary to add that, though I recommend these books, I do not thereby indorse every statement made in any one of them.

VS-Appx.2 ANDREWS, STEPHEN PEARL, Science of society; Part I. True constitution of government in the sovereignty of the individual. Part 2. Cost the limit of price. Bost., 1888. 165p., 8vo. S. E. Holmes. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50c.
”This work is an elaborate exposition of the teachings of Josiah Warren by one of his foremost disciples.”
VS-Appx.3 MACKAY, JOHN HENRY, The anarchists; a picture of civilization at the close of the 19th century. Trans. from the German by George Schumm. Bost., 1891. 315p., 12mo. Tucker. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50c.
While cast in the form of a story, this book contains many excellent economic arguments, directed principally against the communists.
VS-Appx.4 PROUDHON, PIERRE JOSEPH, System of economical contradictions; or, Philosophy of misery. Trans from the French by Benj. R. Tucker. v. I. N. Y., 469p., 8vo. Humboldt. Cloth, $2.00; paper, $1.20.
“It discusses in a style as novel as profound, the problems of Value, Division of Labor, Machinery, Competition, Monopoly, Taxation and Providence, showing that economic progress is achieved by the appearance of a succession of economic forces, each of which counteracts the evils developed by its predecessor, and then, by developing evils of its own, necessitates its successor, the process to continue until a final force, corrective of the whole, shall establish a stable economic equilibrium.”
VS-Appx.5 PROUDHON, PIERRE JOSEPH, What is property? an enquiry into the principles of right and government; prefaced by a sketch of Proudhon’s life and works. Trans. from the French by Benj. R. Tucker. N. Y., 498p , 8vo. Humboldt. Cloth, $2.00; paper, $1.20. (Humboldt Library Nos. 172-175.)
“A systematic, thorough and radical discussion of the institution of property – its basis, its history, its present status and its destiny – together with a detailed and startling expose of the crimes which it commits, and the evils which it engenders.”
VS-Appx.6 TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., Instead of a book; by a man too busy to write one. A fragmentary exposition of Philosophical Anarchism. N. Y., 1893. 522 p., 8vo. Tucker. Cloth, $1.00; paper, 50c.
Principally composed of discussions reprinted from the file of “Liberty.” In this way the objections of all classes of opponents are met and answered and many obscure points are made clear. The best book for anyone who wishes to gain a clear idea of the principles of Anarchism.
VS-Appx.7 In addition to these works the following papers are very valuable:
VS-Appx.8 LIBERTY.” A fortnightly journal of Philosophical Anarchism. Edited by Benj. R. Tucker. 8 pages. $2.00 per year. P. O. Box 1312, New York.
The pioneer of Anarchism in America. Commands articles from the pens of the best writers upon the subject and contains interesting discussions upon the various applications of its philosophy.
VS-Appx.9 EGOISM. A fortnightly Anarchistic paper. 4 pages. 50c per year. P. O. Box 366, Oakland, Cala.
A lighter and more humorous paper than “Liberty,” but advocating the same general principles.

VS-Appx.10 CLODD, EDWARD, Story of creation; a plain account of evolution. N. Y., 129p., 8vo. Humboldt. Paper, 15c. (Humboldt Library, No. 110. )
The best short account of evolution for popular reading yet published.
VS-Appx.11 CLODD, EDWARD, Story of primitive man. N. Y., 1895. 190p., il. 16mo. Appleton. Cloth, 40c. (Library of Useful Stories, No. I .)
An excellent outline of the subject.
VS-Appx.12 HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY, Evidences as to man’s place in nature. N. Y., 62p., 8vo. Humboldt Paper, 15c. (Humboldt Library, No. 4.)
VS-Appx.13 HUXLEY, THOMAS HENRY, On the origin of Species; or Causes of the phenomena of organic nature. N. Y., 49p., 8vo. Humboldt. Paper, 15c. (Humboldt Library, No. 16.)
Prof. Huxley’s works need no recommendation from any source.
VS-Appx.14 ROMANES, GEORGE JOHN, Scientific evidence of organic evolution. N. Y., 55p. 8vo. Humboldt. Paper. 15c. (Humboldt Library No. 40.)
An excellent plea for evolution as opposed to special creation.

VS-Appx.15 BADCOCK, JOHN, Jr. Slaves to duty; a lecture delivered before the South Place Junior Ethical Society, 29th Jan., 1894. Lond., 1894. 33p., 12mo. Reeves. Paper, 6d.
“A unique addition to the pamphlet literature of Anarchism in that it assails the morality superstition as the foundation of the various schemes for the exploitation of mankind. Max Stirner himself does not expound the doctrine of Egoism in bolder fashion.”
VS-Appx.16 MILL, JOHN STUART. Utilitarianism. Lond. 1891. 96p., 8vo. Longman. Cloth, 5s.
VS-Appx.17 SHAW, GEORGE BERNARD, Quintessence of Ibsenism. Bost., 18gr. 170p., 12mo. Tucker. Paper, 25c.
Pronounced by the London Saturday Review a “most diverting Book” and by the author, “the most complete assertion of the validity of the human will as against all laws, institutions, isms, and the like, now procurable for a quarter.”
VS-Appx.18 “TAK KAK,” Philosophy of Egoism. A series of fifteen articles which appeared in “Egoism,” from May, 1890, to Dec. 1891.
These form the most complete exposition of Egoism that has ever been published in English.
VS-Appx.19 Macmillan & Co adverti-e [sic] “The Works of Friedrich Nietzsche” in 11 vols. to appear in the spring of 1896. These will be invaluable to the deep student of Egoism.

VS-Appx.20 BAKOUNINE, MICHAEL, God and the State. Trans. from the French by Benj. R. Tucker. Ed. 7. Bost., 1890. 52p, 8vo. Tucker. Paper, 15c.
“One of the most eloquent pleas for liberty ever written. Paine’s “Age of Reason” and “Rights of Man” consolidated and improved. It stirs the pulse like a trumpet call.”
VS-Appx.21 LETOURNEAU, CHARLES, Sociology; based upon ethnography. Trans. from the French by H. M. Trollope. New ed. Lond., 1893. 634p., 8vo. Chapman, Hall. Cloth. 3s, 6d.
In many respects the best outline of the development of human society. It is a perfect mine of information, and is written in a very readable manner.
VS-Appx.22 SPENCER, HERBERT, Principles of Sociology. N. Y., 1888. 2 vols., 8vo. Appleton. Cloth, $4.00.
Mr. Spencer stands unequalled as a writer upon such subjects. The depth of his research is marvelous. His philosophic conception of the relation of one fact to another has placed him in the front rank among philosophers of all ages. Important though all his works are, perhaps the Principles of Sociology transcends all the others in usefulness. Part of the third volume is now appearing serially in “The Popular Science Monthly.”

VS-Appx.23 FOWLER, C. T., Prohibition, or Relation of government to temperance. Kansas City. 1885. 28p. 12 mo. Fowler. Paper, 6c.
This pamphlet shows “that prohibition cannot prohibit and would be unnecessary if it could.”
VS-Appx.24 HERBERT, AUBERON, Politician in sight of haven; being a protest against government of man by man. N. Y. Tucker. Paper, 10c.
VS-Appx.25 SPENCER, HERBERT, Social statics; or, Conditions essential to human happiness specified, and the first of them developed. With a notice of the author. N. Y., 1862. 533p., 8vo. Appleton. Cloth, $2.00.
One of Spencer’s earliest works. The principle of equal freedom is deduced and explained. This edition is now out of print, but several pirate editions are on the market. The Revised edition is very much abridged and greatly inferior to this.
VS-Appx.26 SPENCER, HERBERT, Prison ethics; in, Essays, scientific, political and speculative, v. 3, p 152-191. (Also in, British Quarterly Review, July, 1860.)
A plea for the application of the principle of equal freedom to the treatment of criminals.
VS-Appx.27 SPOONER, LYSANDER, Free political institutions; their nature, essence and maintenance. An abridgement and rearrangement of “Trial by Jury.” by Victor Yarros. Bost, 1890. 47p., 8vo. Tucker. Paper, 25c.
An historical review of the jury system. It claims for the jury the right to judge the law as well as the prisoner. A strong protest against the tyranny of the State, of particular value in these days of “government by injunction.”
VS-Appx.28 SPOONER, LYSANDER, Illegality of the trial of John W. Webster. Bost., 1850. 16p., 8vo. Tucker. Paper, 10c.
A legal protest against packing juries by selecting jurors and rejecting all who are opposed to the law involved.

VS-Appx.29 BOEHM-BAWERK, EUGENE VON, Positive theory of capital. Trans. with a preface by Wm. Smart. Lond., 1891. 468p., 8vo. Macmillan. Cloth, $4.00.
A profound analysis of value. The original exposition of the “Marginal utility theory.”
VS-Appx.30 FOWLER, C. T., Co-operation; its laws and principles. Kansas City, 1885. 28p., 12mo. Fowler. Paper, 6c.
“An essay showing Liberty and Equity as the only conditions of true co-operation, and exposing the violations of these conditions by Rent, Interest, Profit, and Majority Rule.”
VS-Appx.31 FOWLER, C. T., Reorganization of business. Kansas City, 1885. 28p., 12mo. Fowler. Paper, 6c.
“An essay showing how the principles of co-operation may be realized in the store, bank and factory.”
VS-Appx.32 The Chapter on Value in Proudhon’s System of economical Contradictions, and Part 2 of Andrew’s [sic] Science of Society are very valuable in this connection.

VS-Appx.33 BILGRAM, Hugo, Involuntary idleness; an exposition of the cause of the discrepancy existing between the supply of, and the demand for, labor and its products. Philadelphia, 1889. 119., 16mo. Lippincott. Cloth, 50c.
A remarkably fine analysis of interest showing that it is due to the scarcity of money. It also shows the evil results of usury.
VS-Appx.34 GREENE, WILLIAM B., Mutual banking; showing the radical deficiency of the present circulating medium and the advantages of a free currency. New ed. with a preface by Henry Cohen. Denver, 1896. 78p., 12 mo. Cohen. Paper, 10c.
A wonderfully clear exposition of the theory of Mutual Banks by its originator, showing how interest can be abolished.

VS-Appx.35 FOWLER, C. T., Land tenure. Kansas City, 1885. 26p., 12mo. Fowler. Paper, 6c.
“An essay showing the governmental basis of land monopoly, the futility of governmental remedies and a natural and peaceful way of starving out the landlords.”
VS-Appx.26 INGALLS, J. K., Work and wealth. Bost., 1881. 13p., 8vo. Tucker. Paper, 15c.
A demand for free land as a basis for industrial prosperity.

VS-Appx.37 GEORGE, HENRY, Protection and free trade. N. Y., 1891. 216p., 12mo. George. Paper, 25c.
This has also been printed as part of the “Congressional Record.” A good plea for free trade.
VS-Appx.38 TUCKER, BENJAMIN R., et al., Discussion of the question of copyright. Appeared in “Liberty” and was continued for several months, commencing 13th Dec., 1890.

VS-Appx.39 FOWLER, C. T., Corporations. Kansas City, 1885. 28p., 12mo. Fowler. Paper, 6c.
“An essay showing how the monopoly of railroads, telegraphs, etc., may be abolished without the intervention of the state.”

VS-Appx.40 DONISTHORPE, WORDSWORTH, Law in a free State. Lond., 1895. 324p., 8vo. Macmillan. Cloth, $2.50.
“Is offered to the public as the best ‘nut-crackers” the Author is able to turn out of the workshop,” wherewith to “crack” the “nuts” that many find so hard.
VS-Appx.41 MORLEY, JOHN, On compromise. Lond., 1891. 296p, 12mo. Macmillan. Cloth, $1.50.
Devoted to considering “some of the limits that are set by sound reason to the practice of the various arts of accommodation, economy, management, conformity or compromise.”

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