This online edition of Spencer’s Facts and Comments is a work in progress.
Please email me with comments or corrections.
1. A Business Principle
2. Some Regrets
3. A Problem
4. A Few Americanisms
5. Presence of Mind
6. The Corruption of Music
7. Spontaneous Reform
8. Feeling versus Intellect
9. The Purpose of Art
10. Some Questions
11. The Origin of Music
12. Developed Music
13. Estimates of Men
14. State-Education
15. The Closing Hours
16. Style
17. Style Continued
18. Meyerbeer
19. The Pursuit of Prettiness
20. Patriotism
21. Some Light on Use-Inheritance
22. Party Government
23. Exaggerations and Mis-statements
24. Imperialism and Slavery
25. Re-barbarization
26. Regimentation
27. Weather Forecasts
28. The Regressive Multiplication of Causes
29. Sanitation in Theory and Practice
30. Gymnastics
31. Euthanasia
32. The Reform of Company-Law
33. Some Musical Heresies
34. Distinguished Dissenters
35. Barbaric Art
36. Vaccination
37. Perverted History
38. Grammar
39. What should the Sceptic say to Believers?
40. Ultimate Questions?
Appendix – Some Experiences of Criticism
May, 1902
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