When the First Edition of this work was published, I supposed that the general theory set forth in its Second Part was presented in something like a finished form; but subsequent thought led me to further developments of much importance, and disclosed the fact that the component parts of the theory had been wrongly put together. Even in the absence of a more special reason, I had decided that, on the completion of the “Principles of Biology,” it would be proper to suspend for a few months the series I am issuing, that I might make the required reorganization. And when the time had arrived, there had arisen a more special reason, which forbade hesitation. Translations into the French and Russian languages were about to be made – had, in fact, been commenced; and had I deferred the reorganization the work would have been reproduced with all its original imperfections. This will be a sufficient explanation to those who have complained of the delay in the issue of the “Principles of Psychology.”
The First Part remains almost untouched: two verbal alterations only, on pp. 43 and 99, having been made to prevent misconceptions. Part II., however, is wholly transformed. Its first chapter, on “Laws in General,” is omitted, with a view to the inclusion of it in one of the later volumes of the series. Two minor chapters disappear. Most of the rest are transposed, in groups or singly. And there are nine new chapters embodying the further developments, and serving to combine the pre-existing chapters into a changed whole. The following scheme, in which the new chapters are marked by italics, will give an idea of the transformation:
First | Second |
Edit. | Edit. |
§43 | §119 |
44 | 117 |
45 | 118 |
46 | 120 |
47 | 121 |
48 | 122 |
49 | 123 |
50 | 124 |
51 | 125 |
52 | 126 |
53 | 128 |
54 | 129 |
55 | 130-137 |
56 | 107-115 |
61 | 46 |
62 | 47 |
63 | 48 |
64 | 49 |
65 | 50 |
66 | 52 |
67 | 53 |
68 | 54 |
69 | 55 |
70 | 56 |
71 | 57 |
72 | 58 |
73 | 59 |
74 | 60 |
75 | 61 |
76 | 62 |
77 | 66 |
78 | 67 |
79 | 68 |
80 | 69 |
81 | 70 |
82 | 71 |
83 | 72 |
84 | 73 |
85 | 74 |
86 | 75 |
87 | 76 |
88 | 77 |
89 | 78 |
90 | 79 |
91 | 80 |
92 | 81 |
93 | 82 |
94 | 83 |
95 | 84 |
96 | 85 |
97 | 86 |
98 | 87 |
99 | 88 |
109 | 149 |
110 | 150 |
111 | 151 |
112 | 152 |
113 | 153 |
114 | 154 |
115 | 155 |
116 | 156 |
117 | 157 |
118 | 158 |
119 | 159 |
120 | 160 |
121 | 161 |
122 | 162 |
123 | 163 |
124 | 164 |
125 | 165 |
126 | 166 |
127 | 167 |
128 | 168 |
129 | 169 |
130 | 170 |
131 | 171 |
132 | 172 |
133 | 173 |
134 | 174 |
135 | 175 |
136 | 176 |
137 | 177, 183 |
144 | 193 |
145 | 194 |
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