The essays and reviews in this volume originally appeared in such periodicals as Unity,
The Journal of Social Philosophy, The Social Frontier, The Humanist, and The Christian Leader,
to whom we express thanks for the right to reprint.
[Online editors note: The foregoing note is either Yarross or his publishers.
We have not as yet been able to determine the present copyright status of these materials;
if you believe you hold copyright in any of them please contact us. RTL]
[1.] Adventures in the Realm of Ideas
[2.] Curious Arguments for Immortality
[3.] We Are Making Progress
[4.] Psychoanalysis Discovers Social Reform!
[5.] War: Causes and Cures
[6.] Humanizing Political Economy
[7.] Humanism and its Mansions
[8.] Sense — Nonsense — Semantics
[9.] Why Democracy Often Fails
[10.] The Making of Many Books
[11.] Our Age of Unreason — And After
[12.] Good Will and Intellectual Power
[13.] Ethics and Two Nihilisms
[14.] Parties and the Democratic Principles
[15.] The Persistence of Utopian Thinking
[16.] Editorial Writers as Hessians
[17.] Anti-Semitism: What to Do About It
[18.] Needed Educational Reforms
[19.] Benjamin R. Tucker and Philosophical Anarchism
[20.] What is Left of Marxism?
Haldeman-Julius Publications
Girard, Kansas