1st Doctor: William Hartnell 1963-1966 (Described by the 10th Doctor this way: Back when I first started at the very beginning, I was always trying to be old and grumpy and important, like you do when youre young.) |
1½th Doctor: Peter Cushing
1965-66 (appeared in two theatrical movies based on, but [or: and so] not in continuity with, two of the 1st Doctors adventures) |
2nd Doctor: Patrick Troughton
1966-69 |
3rd Doctor: Jon Pertwee 1970-74 |
4th Doctor: Tom Baker 1974-81 |
5th Doctor: Peter Davison 1982-84 |
6th Doctor: Colin Baker 1984-86 |
7th Doctor: Sylvester McCoy 1987-89 |
8th Doctor: Paul McGann 1996 |
9th Doctor: Christopher Eccleston 2005 |
10th Doctor: David Tennant 2005-2010 |
11th Doctor: Matt Smith 2010-? |