This article was published in the Autumn 1993 issue of Formulations
formerly a publication of the Free Nation Foundation,
now published by the Libertarian Nation Foundation

A Short History: The Free Nation Foundation
 By Richard O. Hammer

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[Note: This article is dated. The information it contains may now be outdated. We make it available on the Web for historical interest only.]

 The Free Nation Foundation reached a milestone on June 7, 1993, when its articles of incorporation were filed with the North Carolina Secretary of State. The articles name the initial board of three directors: Bobby Emory, Richard Hammer and Roderick Long.

 In January and February of this year Richard Hammer contacted about 100 prospective collaborators, using his eight-page booklet Toward a Free Nation. While this outreach found little support from nationally famous libertarian individuals and organizations, it found some enthusiastic support from less-well-established libertarians on a local level. With this support the organization proceeds.

 In order to achieve tax-exempt status, the articles of incorporation filed with the State include statements which should satisfy the requirements of the federal Internal Revenue Service, when later this year the Foundation applies to the IRS for exemption under section 501(c)(3).

 The Board of Directors will meet in August to approve the bylaws of the Foundation, and to elect officers.

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