Ethics Study Guide

This is a study guide to my introductory ethics course (Philosophy 102).

Please note that it is a work in progress. More information will be added periodically.

1. Philosophy
2. Socrates in the Laches
3. Socrates in the Alcibiades and Symposium
4. Socrates in the Protagoras
5. Socrates in the Gorgias
6. Socrates in Republic I
7. Socrates in the Euthyphro
8. Socrates in the Apology and Crito
9. Plato
10. Aristotle
11. Epicurus
12. Stoicism
13. Scholasticism
14. Chinese Philosophy
15. Thomas Hobbes
16. John Locke
17. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
18. David Hume and Adam Smith
19. Immanuel Kant
20. Utilitarianism
21. Existentialism
22. G. E. Moore
23. Ayn Rand
24. John Rawls
25. Moral Skepticism
26. War and Peace
27. Punishment
28. Abortion
29. Animal Rights

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