JLS 19.3: What Lies Within?
[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]
Issue 19.3 of the Journal of Libertarian Studies is now out. In this latest issue, Ellenita Hellmer critiques the standard libertarian attitude toward the anti-sweatshop movement, Piet-Hein van Eeghen critiques the legitimacy of the corporation, Enrico Colombatto critiques the Austrian theory of the business cycle, Walter Block critiques Randall Holcombe’s argument for the inevitability of government, and Jan Narveson critiques Colin Williams’ views on Lysander Spooner and the “virtue of obedience.” Also, J. C. Lester reviews Edward Feser’s book on Nozick, and Robert Bass reviews Wendy McElroy’s book on Benjamin Tucker and the individualist anarchists.
For more details, check out my fuller summary here.
Also, the contents of the previous issue, 19.2, are now online; see the summary here and the articles here.
For summaries of all the issues under my editorship, see here; for all online articles from all past issues see here.
Posted October 24th, 2005 |
Egalitarianism, Austro-Athenian Style
[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]
Few would describe Aristotle as an egalitarian philosopher; and few would describe libertarianism as an egalitarian political theory. In two newly published pieces I commit both these heresies.
The latest (October 2005) issue of The Freeman carries my article “Liberty: The Other Equality.” (This article is a companion piece to my 2001 lecture Equality: The Unknown Ideal.)
Mogens Herman Hansen’s The Imaginary Polis, the proceedings volume for the Copenhagen Polis Centre conference described here, has just been published; it contains my article “Aristotle’s Egalitarian Utopia.” So far the collection’s not available for purchase through any of the ordinary online venues, but those eager for a copy can go to this link, type the phrase “imaginary polis” (without quotation marks) in the “Title” field, hit the higher of the two “Search now” buttons, hit “Add to basket,” and then hit “Shopping list” on the left. (No, I can’t link directly to the title. Yes, the Royal Danish Academy’s website sucks.)
Both articles turn on the idea that equality in authority is a more fundamentally important kind of equality than either socioeconomic equality or equality before the law.
In other news, the Alabama Philosophical Society website, cui magister sum, has a revised schedule and updated location info for our conference this coming weekend. Be there or B2!
Posted October 18th, 2005 |
Fellow Traveler
[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]
On September 21st I gave a talk to the Auburn University Libertarians on the subject “Rich and Poor in a Libertarian Society.”
On October 8th I gave a talk at the Mises Institute’s conference on fascism titled “They Saw it Coming: The 19th-Century Libertarian Critique of Fascism.” (An audio file of my talk is now online.)
On October 15th I’ll be giving a talk to the Advocates for Self-Government 20th Anniversary Celebration in Atlanta with the title “Fire the Rich! Why the Free Market Is the Proletarian Revolution.”
(So, that’s three plutocracy-bashing talks….)
Finally, on October 21st I’ll be giving a talk at the Alabama Philosophical Society meetings in Montevallo explaining “Why Libertarians Believe There Is Only One Right.”
(I say “finally,” but I have conferences coming up in November and December too….)
Posted October 12th, 2005 |
What Darwin Thought of Aristotle and Spencer
Two quotations to keep in mind the next time another Darwinian claims that the ideas of Aristotle and Spencer are unscientific and second-rate:
From quotations which I had seen I had a high notion of Aristotle’s merits, but I had not the most remote notion what a wonderful man he was. Linnaeus and Cuvier have been my two gods, though in very different ways, but they were mere school-boys to old Aristotle.’Nuff said.
– Charles Darwin, Letter to William Ogle (translator of Aristotle’s De Partibus Animalium), 22 February 1882
Every one with eyes to see and ears to hear (the number, I fear, are not many) ought to bow their knee to you, and I for one do.
– Charles Darwin, Letter to Herbert Spencer, 10 June 1872
Posted October 11th, 2005 |
Pay No Attention to That Spaceship Behind the Curtain
After years of patronising dismissal, literary scholars are finally beginning to take Jules Verne seriously. That’s a good thing – but it has a downside, namely, that the number of plumb crazy things being said about Verne is on the rise.
Perhaps the most bizarre of these is the claim that Verne is not a science fiction writer. I’ve seen this claim put forward in several places recently; the most articulate version comes from William Butcher’s introduction to his translation of Journey to the Centre of the Earth:
In Verne’s case, if a genre classification really is necessary, he falls into that of travel and adventure. But in no case can he be considered a science fiction writer. One good reason is that only about a third of the Extraordinary Journeys really involve any science; and another, that despite his futuristic reputation the events recounted nearly always happen just before the present. What is more, the science is not generally innovative or designed to change society. A significant number of the works do depend on a novel form of transport, whether underground, under water, or in the air or beyond. But Verne prefers ‘intermediate technology’. [Butcher cites Verne’s use of balloons, dogsleds, and the like.] The real thrust of Verne’s works, their raison d’ętre, is to explore the globe.Butcher’s case against Verne’s status as a science fiction writer is surreal. Let’s take his arguments in sequence.
Posted October 10th, 2005 |
Support the Army
I’ve changed the link for the hurricane relief banner at the top of this page from the Red Cross to the Salvation Army, which in my judgment is a more reliable relief organisation.
Posted October 3rd, 2005 |
Radio Free Roderick
[cross-posted at Liberty & Power]
During the last Mises University I was interviewed by the dreaded MISEScreants – known by day as GMU economics grad students Adam Martin and (Molinari Institute Research Fellow) Dan D’Amico. Click here to hear my idle musings on Aristotle, Kant, Wittgenstein, Mises, Hayek, Herbert Spencer, Benjamin Tucker, Gustave de Molinari, the Molinari Institute, the Mises Institute, the Auburn Philosophy Department, apriorism, anarchism, feminism, libertarian factionalism, and free-market anti-capitalism. (I had a bad cold that week, so please bear with my frequent coughing and even-worse-than-usual voice.)
Audiofiles of some of my Mises U. talks from that week are also now online: Mises versus Friedman on Method, Apriorism and Positivism in the Social Sciences, and Ethical Assumptions of Economics.
Posted October 1st, 2005 |
Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left Ring Owner: Thomas Knapp Site: Blogosphere of the Libertarian Left |
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